Conceptual Foundations
Transformative Pathways
Prototypes of New Economies
Profiles of Femxle Expertise

Our articles explore the cornerstones of a new economic architecture, in which the sole goal of economies is to serve life.

Future economies include ecosystems and social vitality in their balance sheets. They incorporate clear boundary values of economic activity, and adopt a stewardship approach to the global and local commons.

Future economies take care of fair and just distribution of resources, income and prosperity. Value creation includes collective value and is guided by contribution rather than extraction. Revenues will balance money and impact.

Future economies are linked to forms of governance and political participation, so that economic development can be contextually adapted as well as negotiated and shaped to serve individual and collective vitality. The role of trusted and legitimized governments is one of stewarding people’s and planetary health.

Future economies will have dynamic and thriving markets, but no unrestricted primacy of markets with little governmental steering. Instead, markets will be embedded in purpose, guided by parameters for the common good, and they will strengthen local economies.

Future economies acknowledge the need for iterative learning mechanisms that foster life-enhancing technological and social innovation, but do not unilaterally look to ultimate technological advancements or inventions as a panacea.

Future economies ensure that production and consumption cycles are socially embedded and guided by regulations that ensure they have net-zero negative impact or regenerate the life-support systems.

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As the 36x36 Association we take a stance

  • We acknowledge existing expertise of womxn from all continents for life-enhancing and future-proof new economies 
  • We invigorate womxns’ interest, knowledge, capacities and practices around transformations to economies in service to life 
  • We amplify femxle expertise, make womxns’ voices in future economic approaches heard and grant womxn authority